Productive Writer

There are many advantage if you can become a productive writer. But, many of us have big enthusiasm to write although we hard to realize it. But don’t worry if you hardwork and keep spirit on, I trust you can realize it.

Now I’ll try to give you new point of view as your reference how become a productive writer. Take a deep look the following.

Limitless Theme
Don’t make limitation of theme what you wanna write. If you make limitation so you have limitation ideas.  You can not write anything, because you won’t out of theme. You can not move freely. Please do my advice if you wanna be a productive writer, breake the limitation. And try to write anything you wanna.
No Reader Targetting
Reader Targetting is similiar to limitation. Reader targetting forces you write special issues so you have boundary. You have idea to write but because it out of your reader target so you don’t write it and finally you can not icrease your productivity. Now is time to break your boundary.

Enjoy your Time
Almost people said if you wanne be a productive writer you must be forced to write regularly every day. I think that the wrong perception. Because you may not force you brain to produce idea, if you do it causes stress. You don’t want to make yourself stress, right? Enjoy your time. You have idea to write, do it now. But if you don’t have, no problem maybe next time you have. Unless, you are payee writer.

Read the book
Many book you read, many knowledge you get. Knowledge generates ideas. You will easy write something because you have many knowledge and reference. I suggest you to write anything book. Because as many book you read, you will get knowledge how to write good.
I think that’s all how to do if we want to be a productive writer.
Thank you.

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